(FT3) UPDATED: Olympus EP-3 and E-520 replacement in Q1-Q2
According to photorumors the EP-3 and the E-520 replacement should be announced in Q1-Q2: “I got some Olympus rumors: in the first half of 2010 Olympus will announce the EP-3 with new lenses. The Olympus E520 will be replaced in the first quarter of 2010.”
I don’t know his sources but we already told you that Olympus will launch new FourThirds cameras soon. Our sources told us that many FourThirds cameras are going to be “updated”. Also the E-3 or/and E-30 could be “updated”.
P.S.: Currently amazon do have only three E-3 in Stock, Adorama has zero E-3 and BHphoto Out of Stock!