(FT4) Fuji joins MicroFourThirds???
Fake image?
Just received this:
“Fujifilm is moving to M4/3rds with a new body that will have an EXR sensor inside it. The official announcement about Fuji’s joining to the M4/3 system will be made a few weeks before the camera announcement itself next PMA season (Jan/Feb 2010).
The new camera body –tentatively named: Micro-S10EXR (MS10), will have a 4/3rd 12MP EXR sensor, that shares a lot of its technologies and modes with current Fuji EXR compacts, just in a much larger sensor area and pixel size. The MS10 will be intermediate in form factor between the and the . It will have sensor shift stabilization, a substantial hand grip, tilt & swivel (similar in design to D5000), and a built-in EVF that is more akin to the EVF’s of Fuji compacts than to that of the GH1. The entire body is made by Fuji or designed for them specially to fit the MS10 (ie nothing is cloned from any of the current M4/3 bodies except for the mount & standards of course). For lenses however, the MS10 will have to use any of the available lens options for M4/3. The camera will be marketed with EXR sensor as its main selling point.”
weeks ago Mr. Akira Watanabe said this:
“Journalist: On the possible involvement of Fujifilm, which has signed the launch of System 4 / 3, but has nothing concrete in terms of equipment, and its sensor division, which produces SuperCDD more innovative than sensors fitted Panasonic Olympus equipment.
Watanabe: Olympus can not say anything about its commitments with its official or unofficial subject to confidentiality agreement that it is impossible to break.”
Sounds like Fuji will definitely join us! ;)
Also Sony, Nikon, Ricoh, Samsung and Pentax are working on a mirrorless camera system. But they will all have their own mount (no MicroFourThirds)
UPDATE2: Also photorumors received the same email from the same source ;)
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