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(FT5) New E-M5 images!!! UPDATED with new picture…


That it is a Hungarian website ( leaking new pieces of E-M5 images! Those are 100% real images of the camera. That is the maximal resolution available. For the first time you can see the back of the camera and the hot shoe. The hot shoe over the viewfinder looks a bit clunky, or better…like a [shoplink 28709 ebay]Transformer Robot[/shoplink] :)

Something else. I am completely NOT suprised to see that the Fuji X PRO 1 (here to preorders) is current most (pre)ordeed mirrorless cameras at Amazon (Click here). As you see innovation pays back. Hope it will be so with the E-M5 too! via Fujirumors (thanks Stefan)

UPDATE: One more picture:



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