Full Panasonic GX7 preorder list (with accessories). Plenty of preorders according to Amazon ranking.
I updated the preorder table with new links. Click on the store names to check out price and shippig date. As you see, it’s September 27/30 at Amazon US. Only UK has all kits available while US readers have no Black and no 20mm kit option. Nevertheless the GX7 preorders are quite high and the camera is the most sold (preorders) mirrorless camera at Amazon (ranking can be seen here).
Silver GX7 body at Amazon US, BHphoto, Adorama, Samys and Wex UK and Amazon Japan.
Silver GX7 with 14-42mm lens at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, Samys and WexUK and Amazon Japan.
Black GX7 body at Wex UK and Amazon Japan.
Black GX7 with 14-42mm lens at Wex UK.
Black GX7 with 20mm lens at Wex UK and Amazon Japan.
Silver GX7 with 20mm lens at Wex UK and Amazon Japan.
The GX7 accessories can be preordered at BHphoto (Click here to see the accessory list).
A GX7 photographers report can be read at http://panasonic.net/avc/lumix/dslm/gx7_special/kyoto/index.html. And a good news for Panasonic. Almost 50% of 43rumors readers are likely going to buy this camera!