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More Terada interviews….(no Silver E-m1 coming, we do not exclude a Full Frame future).


Mr. Terada from Olympus. Image courtesy: Focus Numerique

Focus Numerique (google translated) and Onfoto (google translated) posted interviews with Mr. Terada from Olympus. I rely on google translation tool to understand the text so please correct me if there is some error here:

Focus Numerique:
– Development TruePic VII for OM-D E-M1 took more than 3 years.
– It is not possible to add 14bit encoding via firmware upgrade. The encoded 14-bit files require more computing power and thus more expensive processor.
– touch screen on the E-M1 will be improved via fw update. But we need more time for it. We also need to work on the work directly connected to a PC mode. But then again, we did not have time to develop all the applications. There are many applications to integrate and soon.

– FT lens production will continue until there is a demand for it
– Support of FT cameras and lenses will continue
– There will be no silver E-M1
– There is no plan yet to add phase autofocus on future low end MFT models
– We don’t exclude to go Full Frame one day

So, how does it sound for you?

Preorder Links:
Olympus E-M1 body at Amazon, Adorama and BHphotoAmazon DE (via DL), Amazon UK (via DL), Amazon ES (via DL), WexUK, Topshot FI, CameraWorldUK.
Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm f/2.8 PRO Lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, AmazonDE (viaDL), Amazon ES (via DL).
Olympus E-M1 with 12-40mm Lens kit at Amazon DE (via DL), WexUK and CameraWorldUK, Amazon UK (via DL), Amazon ES (via DL).
Olympus E-M1 with 12-50mm Lens kit at Amazon DE (via DL), WexUK, CameraWorldUK, Amazon UK (via DL), Amazon ES (via DL).
Olympus EP-13 Eyecup for E-M1 at Adorama and BHphoto.
Olympus HLD-7 Battery Grip for E-M1 at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
Olympus LC-62D Metal Front Lens Cap for 12-40mm at Adorama and BHphoto.
Olympus LH-66 Lens Hood for 12-40mm at Adorama and BHphoto.

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