New “talked to Olympus rep” rumor :)
Mr. “Omega” sent me a new “talked to an Olympus rep” rumor :)
As I told you in the past those kind of rumors are very dangerous and unreliable. But it’s amazing to see how much Olympus reps talk :) Here is what the Omega shared to us: “A visit to Focus on Imaging over the weekend provided me with a little piece of tittle tattle which might be of interest. I spoke with ‘Mr Olympus UK’. His comment was “don’t buy the E-M5, wait until autumn, then you can have a body which will use your 4/3 lenses (50 macro, 11-22 & 50-200, with tube and 2x convertor), there was no suggestion of a 4/3 mount body.”
As usual take those kind of info with a grain of salt. We learned it from the past that Olympus reps not always share the full truth!