Photokina press event on September 19: Panasonic press event at 12:30 and Olympus at 18:00.
These are the official press events from Olympus and Panasonic at Photokina:
- Panasonic on September 19 at 12:30
- Olympus on September 19 at 18:00
Both will announce new cameras and lenses:
– Olympus E-M1II
– Panasonic G80 (final name unconfimred. Could be G81 or G85 too)
– Olympus 12-100mm f/4.0 PRO lens
– Olympus 25mm f/1.2 PRO lens
– Olympus 30mm f/3.5 macro
It’s unclear yet if Panasonic will announce the GH5 and Olympus the E-PL8.