UPDATED: Voigtländer Nokton 25mm f/0.95 preorders on eBay and in Australia! + image samples!
UPDATE: First image samples have been posted on Ganref.jp (Many Thanks Nokubi!).
Image samples at f/0.95 aperture
Image sample at f/2 aperture
Image sample at f/2.8 aperture
Image sample at f/4 aperture
The well known (and very trustworth) German store Fotomundus is accepting pre-orders on eBay for the new [shoplink 15659]Voigtländer Nokton 25mm f/0.95 (Click here)[/shoplink]:
“We will reach the first lenses in small numbers from 15.october on. We prefer to buy this lens here on Ebay NOW, because we will reach not the quantity that we need . To order this lens now is no risk for you: Just place your order “buy it now”, but please send us no payment ! We will inform you, when YOUR 0,95/25mm will be in stock. After that you sent your payment to one of our bank-accounts or paypal.Also you have the right to cancel your order until oktober . You see: no risk for you, and you can be shure to be one of the first owner of this superb lens.” [shoplink 15659]Click here to pre-order the Voigtländer Nokton 25mm f/0.95 on eBay![/shoplink]
P.S.: Their written English is no better than mine :)
And one Australian store is also accepting pre-orders: http://www.mainlinephoto.com.au/category39_1.htm
Do you know where else you can pre-order the lens? Thanks!