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Weekly 43rumors readers pictures roundup…


Alessio Brinati‎
Panasonic G80 + Zuiko 45

1) You can share your pics by using posting on our 43rumors Facebook page (Click here).
2) All 43rumors readers pictures can be seen here: Like the pictures you like and chat with the authors if you want to know how they took the shot!
3) The most liked pictures and some pics selected by myself will be posted weekly on 43rumors

This is the weekly selection:

Karsten Gieselmann‎
Through the fence
E-M5II, M.40-150mm F2.8, ƒ/2.8, 150.0 mm, 1/320


‎Andreas-Joachim Lins
Lost Yellow
Olympus M1 // M.Zukio 25mm Pro // ISO 200 // 1/1250s // F1.2

Martin Gallego
Sympetrum fonscolombii
Sigo haciendo macros con el 300 Pro…
Olympus E-M5 MKII + MZuiko 300 Pro + Flash Fl600

Jorge Lizana Ruiz‎
Tai beauty
Olympus OM-D EM-5
MZD 12-40mm

Rudi René Moss Sørstrønen‎
Olympus om-d e-m5 mk2 + m.zuiko 12-40 2,8pro.
Instagram: @rudirphoto

‎Jerry Hughes‎
The Callenish (Calanais) stone circle was set up between 2900 and 2600 BC. Outer Hebrides.
More at

‎Gonzalo Broto‎
Sunrise in Bagan III (GX80 + PanaLeica 42.5mm)…/memoirs-of-myanmar-i-lan…

Robbie Aspeling‎
GH5 with Leica 100- 400. 6K photo mode.

Detlef Reich‎
brauner Feuerfalter (Lycaena tityrus)
M.Zuiko 60/2.8

Nicholas Stevens‎
EM1II and 300mm w/ 1.4x converter

Martin Gallego
Polyommatus icarus
Olympus E-M1 MKII + MZuiko 300 Pro
No se porqué no le han puesto a este objetivo la coletilla “macro” en el nombre, se comporta como tal!
Un dia de estos haré una entrada en el blog hablando de las peculiaridades del 300mm F4 Pro para macrofotografía.

Kaustav Banerjee
Mexican Hat, UT, United States ·
Olympus PEN EPM2, Samyang 7.5mm Fisheye, F4, 1/400s, ISO 200, De-fished with Mathmap plugin in GIMP

Nick John Schäufelin‎
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II
Samyang 85mm T1.5

Kees de Leeuw‎
Calopterix splendens, gx8+100-300

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