a little bit of everything…
Lomo Effect – Olympus E-PL2 vs Lomo LC-A ([shoplink 21930 ebay]Click here to see the Lomo on eBay[/shoplink])
Review of the Pinwide Pinhole “Lens” for Micro Four Thirds Cameras (TheDigitalStory).
Advantages of DSLRs over video cameras (EosHD).
A new german Fuji X100 forum (http://www.fuji-x100-forum.de/). Visit it! ;)
NAB 2011 – Odds ‘N’ Ends (ProVideoCoalition).
Mails from our readers
1) toto22: “Not a rumor, unfortunately, :-)!
Maybe this will be interesting to someone visiting your site. A group of Russian enthusiasts made a trip which very close to the one made 100 years ago by Sergey Proskurin-Gorsky, the first Russian phorographer made the pics of the Russian countryside in color. There is a dedicated website now, which compares old and new pics of the same locations along the way. The address is as follows:
Cheers and good luck!!!”
2) Melvin: “No rumor, but a blog post on micro and 4/3rds usage and the new sensor rumor.
If you think it is a nice read, a link in a little bit of everything post on 4/3rds romors is appreciated.
Thanks very much! enjoy reading your site, keep the good work up!
P.S.: Today I am out with my family all the day. Will not be able to answer your emails! Have a nice Sunday!