Very first Olympus VF-3 viewfinder review

Four Thirds User (Click here) tested the new Olympus VF-3 viewfinder: “Compared to the VF-2 the immediate impression is a smaller and less spacious view. The lower resolution also means that the very finest details that are visible with the [shoplink 25394]VF-2[/shoplink] can be lost with the [shoplink 25395]VF-3[/shoplink]. But apart from that the experience is quite similar. Refresh and flicker, when present, characteristics are much the same, as are colour and contrast.”
It is up to you to decide if the $60 dollar price difference justifies the lower resolution of the VF-2. I would have expected Olympus to launch a better external viewfinder and to lower the VF-2 price. But that’s just my personal opinion. All I know is that Sony announced the [shoplink 25396]NEX-7[/shoplink] having a much higher quality 2,4 milion dot OLED viewfinder. I hope something like that can be announced soon by Panasonic and Olympus.
Links to the two Olympus viewfinders:
Olympus VF-3 [shopcountry 25395]
Olympus VF-2 [shopcountry 25394]