New Olympus reviews

Techcrunch (Click here) tested the Olympus E-PL3: “Coming at this from an amateur’s standpoint, I find the E-PL3 slightly lacking, especially when compared to its slightly larger cousins. However, it was a dream to carry around on vacation and it’s surprisingly easy for almost anyone to use, making it a good second camera for the home. While I believe something like the E-P3 gives entry-level DSLRs a run for their money, the E-PL3 is a more subtle camera, requiring real buy-in and understanding before it becomes clear why you would spend $700 on this versus a Canon Rebel.“. E-PL3 price and availabiltiy check at [shopcountry 23567].
Photoreview Australia (Click here) tested the Olympus E-P3: “Overall performance for the review camera was similar to the E-P2 unit we tested, which isn’t surprising since the sensors of both cameras are very similar. The new camera appears to have a wider dynamic range than its predecessor, although the Digital ESP metering remained slightly biased to recording shadow detail.“.
Also CNET Asia (Click here) reviewed the E-P3: “Overall, compared with its predecessor, the Pen E-P3’s improvements definitely impressed us, especially its fast autofocus speeds as well as saturated yet pleasing color reproduction. Our only gripes with the camera would be its high ISO noise performance and the wobbling effect in videos, which we hope Olympus will be able to fix in the form of a future firmware upgrade.“. E-P3 price and availabiltiy check at [shopcountry 23568].
P.S.: Imaging Resource tested the GF3 rolling shutter effects.