Professional E-M5 vs G3 vs NEX-7 vs V1 vs G1X ISO comparison!
Finally we can see a professional and more detailed ISO test comparison between the Olympus E-M5 and other cameras: All JPEG and RAW ISO samples can be seen and downloaded by Focus Numerique (Merci!!!).
Or click on the camera names below to open the full size images from Focus Numerique:
ISO 200: E-M5 vs G3 vs NEX-7 vs V1 vs G1X
ISO 400: E-M5 vs G3 vs NEX-7 vs V1 vs G1X
ISO 800: E-M5 vs G3 vs NEX-7 vs V1 vs G1X
ISO 1600: E-M5 vs G3 vs NEX-7 vs V1 vs G1X
ISO 3200: E-M5 vs G3 vs NEX-7 vs V1 vs G1X
ISO 6400: E-M5 vs G3 vs NEX-7 vs V1 vs G1X
ISO 12800: E-M5 vs NEX-7 vs G1X
ISO 25600: E-M5
P:S.: Full name and specs of the other cameras: [shoplink 22077]Panasonic G3[/shoplink], [shoplink 25396]Sony NEX-7[/shoplink], [shoplink 25767 ebay]Nikon V1[/shoplink], Canon G1X.
And here are the conclusions from Focus Numerique:
– There is a significant gain compared to models equipped with a Pen 12MP sensor.
– On pictures taken at 200, 400 and 800 ISO, noise is almost imperceptible, even on flat colors and dense areas. Overall, the images are well detailed with good accent and dynamics is a good level.
– At 1600 ISO, you’ll notice the first details are starting to fade, but this is minimal and at 20×30 print, these small damages will be virtually invisible.
– At 3200 ISO, the images retain a good performance and the images are quite similar to those made in 1600. Dynamics is still good, fairly flat areas clean as the densest areas.
– AT ISO 6400 the details are blurred and the dynamics goes down. The grain remains quite acceptable
– The two higher values (12800 and ISO 25600) are more problematic. The grain becomes coarser and dynamics down another notch.
Your thoughts: Now share your point of view and analysis! What did you learn from those images?
Note: Also Focus Numerique believes the E-M5 uses the same Panasonic G3/GX1 sensor.
E-M5 preorders (Click on the names of the stores to see the product page):
Black E-M5 body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, J&R, Warehouse UK, Redcoon Germany and Amazon Japan.
Silver E-M5 body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, J&R, Warehouse UK, Redcoon Germany, and Amazon Japan.
Black E-M5 body with 14-42mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and J&R.
Black E-M5 body with 12-50mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, J&R, Jessops, Redcoon Deutschland, Amazon UK, Amazon Deutschland and Amazon Japan.
Silver E-M5 body with 12-50mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, J&R, Jessops, Amazon UK, Amazon Deutschland and Amazon Japan.