First full Olympus 60mm review made by Robin Wong!
Image courtesy by Robin Wong (Thanks!).
Robin Wong (Click here) posted the first full Olympus 60mm macro review (Preorder at Amazon, Adorama Bhphoto). He compared the lens quality to the 50mm f/2.0 FT lens and said “the 60mm F2.8 lens is sharper“. De facto that shapr that “Moiré pattern has become an issue for a few photographs that I have taken“. Read the full review to get an idea about the quality of the lens. What I like most about the review are the pictures. They are so amazing that it almost makes me think why I never liked macro photography until today :) Also Zuikoholics posted the first part of the 60mm macro review.
Lens preorders are up at Amazon, Adorama Bhphoto.
So, we are talking about lenses so let me catch up with a link to the 12-35mm X lens review posted by Photozone (Click here): “The lens is, undoubtedly, a good one but not stellar. It is chili-sharp in the image center but the border region isn’t quite on this level in the lower focal length range.” No mistake, Photozone says it’s a very good lens but maybe not as top good as expected form a lens in this price range.
Panasonic and Olympus Preorder Links with specs and price:
Special GH3 page at Amazon (Click here) and a full Olympus presentation page at Amazon (Click here).
GH3 at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here) and in Europe at Wexphotographic UK (horrible price in UK!).
35-100mm X lens at Amazon (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).
E-PL5 at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here). In EU at Amazon Germany, Amazon UK, Amazon France,
E-PM2 at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here). In EU at Amazon Germany, Amazon UK, Amazon France,
XZ-2 at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).
60mm macro at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).
12mm Black prime lens at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).
15mm cap-lens at Adorama (Click here).