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Editor’s note: Server transfer and small issues check.


Dear readers,

this is just a short note to tell you that the last three days we worked on transferring 43rumors and mirrorlessrumors on a new server. We did a complete new installation and theme upgrade. There are still some issues to fix and I would like you to help me to send the problems you find on the website. One of them is that messages written through the contact form when using Chrome Browser are not being sent. UDPATE: Cna you pelase try to send me a message through the contact form? And If it doens’t get send please let me know what Browser, OS you are using and from what country you are sending it. Thanks!

New features:
There will be a small design change soon and also (finally!) a new iPhone and iPad version.

Personal note:
The last 10 days I was very busy because I moved from the mountains to Antwerp where I will stay for the next four months. SO again sorry if I didn’t manage to answer your question on the comment section or via email. I was super stressed.



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