(FT5) Picture of Kurt Russel with the new G4K! And new info about the video specs…
Image courtesy: Defy on Facebook. (Thanks David Peterson for sharing the link.)
The image on top shows Kurt Russel with the new Panasonic G4K camera! I guess that’s a set of a commercial for the new camera :)
I also got some more info about the video specs of the camera:
1) It will have a quad core processor.
2) Sensor reading is 50% faster then GH3 so much less rolling shutter.
3) maximum bitrate of 200Mbps ALI and 100Mbps IPB
4) 4K, you will have MOV + MP4 only.
5) In 1080p you will also have AVCHD.
6) The camera will have focus peaking and the user will be able to change the color. Focus Peaking will also work from smartphone through wifi.
7) Focusing will be faster and have more AF points (compared to GH3).
An anonymous and nice ;) source sent me the following info too: I am not 100% sure about this, but I was told the G4K will have an optional attachment and as I was told it will have XLR as well as dual 3G SDI output. Panasonic wants to position this to serious film makers.
For sources: Sources can send me anonymous info at 43rumors@gmail.com (create a fake gmail account) or via contact form you see on the right sidebar. Thanks!
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