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Good news: Olympus improved the RAW files on the new E-M10II.


Bildschirmfoto 2015-08-25 um 19.43.30
One of the very new cool features of the new E-M10II: It is equipped with AF Targeting Pad so you can trace your thumb along the rear monitor while looking through the viewfinder to quickly set a focus point. After the AF position is determined, press the shutter button halfway to focus.

Our reader Jokke noticed a good news reported by Dpreview:

Looking at the Raw files, we were quite (pleasantly) surprised: the E-M10 II appears to have less noise than the E-M5 II, significantly less noise than its predecessor, and even catches up in performance to the Canon Rebel T6S.

So it looks like Olympus improved the RAW file processing on the new camera!

Imaging Resource editor Dave tested the camera on his vacation and writes:

To wrap up Part I of this Field Test I can say for certain that I’m rather smitten with this little camera. It is ergonomically excellent to me, feels great in the hands, balances nicely with a wide variety of lenses and is highly customizable. It has terrific autofocus, even very dependable continuous AF while in “sequential low” burst mode, and is capable of delivering stunning images. I had a few minor gripes like the lack of a dedicated drive button and some odd irregularities with the traditional Olympus menus systems, but overall thus far I’ve simply had a ball with the E-M10 II.

Black E-M10II at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto, GetOlympus, AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK
Silver E-M10II at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto, GetOlympus, AmazonDEAmazonUK, WexUK
Black E-M10II with kit lens at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto, GetOlympus, FocusCamera, AmazonDEAmazonUK, WexUK
Silver E-M10II with kit lens at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto, GetOlympusFocusCamera, AmazonUK, WexUK
Metal Grip ECG-3 for the E-M10II at Amazon, Adorama, BhphotoFocusCamera, WexUK.

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