Weekly 43rumors readers pictures roundup.
Bob Towery
Icelandic Reflections. Pen-F, 40-150mm F/2.8 pro.
1) You can share your pics by using posting on our 43rumors Facebook page (Click here).
2) All 43rumors readers pictures can be seen here: facebook.com/43rumors/photos. Like the pictures you like and chat with the authors if you want to know how they took the shot!
3) The most liked pictures and some pics selected by myself will be posted weekly on 43rumors
This is the weekly selection:
Thomas Cousture
EM5 mk2 + 14-150 II
Phil Myself
Agung Mountain from the pool in Bali with GX8 + 12mm Olympus
David Wissman
Em5mii 12mm 1600 15secs
Ali Pe
Bald eagle
The bird live at the “Tierpark Sababurg” near Kassel, Germany. it’s one of the oldest Tierparks of the world, established at 1557.
Panasonic GX80, Lumix Leica 100-400 mm
350 mm, 1/1.250 sec.; f/5.9, Iso 800
Gonzalo Broto
Panorama taken in Aguas Tuertas, Spanish Pyrenees, with the Lumix GX80 + PanaLeica 15mm:
Avi Ross
The Waning Rays of Summer, Oxnard Beach, CA, September 2016. Panasonic GH-3 Panny 12-35 2.8 @ F 8.0; 1/500 sec; ISO 800
Martin Gallego
La nadadora
Olympus Pen F + MZuiko 17mm
Andreas-Joachim Lins
Olympus PEN-F / M.Zuiko 75mm @F1.8
Andrew Polak
Ansan Mountain in Seoul at night – taken with Olympus E-M1 with Olympus 12-40mm PRO
Norman Doggett
Ultra wide angle shot of the main alter and dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. The piers supporting the dome are 147 ft tall and the interior dome extends an additional 70 ft beyond that. That is the equivalent to a 20 story building from the floor of the Basilica to the top of the interior dome.
Olympus E-M1, 7-14 f/2.8 PRO at 7mm, 1/20s, f/3.2, ISO 1000.
Don Parsons
Aeronca 7AC’s sit under the Milky Way at Blakesburg, Iowa.
Photo with Oly EM-5, 17mm 1.8. Exposure 25 sec @ 1.8, iso 1600.
Jim Chung
The Andromeda Galaxy is our closest neighbour at 2.5 million light years away and on a collision course with our galaxy. Also shown are Galaxies M110 and the smaller M32.
OMD E-M1, Canon 200 mm L series prime at f/2.8, total one hour exposure with on board thermal noise reduction.