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a bit of everything…

The chilling autumn wind (GH4 V-Log L footage)
from Martin Wallgren on Vimeo.

Martin Wallgren‎ (video on top):Here’s an example of V-Log L when it’s done right, captured with the Atomos Shogun in 10-bit ProRes. There’s an original ProRes Proxy 4K file available for download from Vimeo. Check it out!

Panasonic GX8 initial thoughts (Imaging Resource).
9 Alternative Camera Supports (Explora).
Olympus Europe refurbished MFT stock at [shoplink 22691 ebay]Olympusmarket[/shoplink].
5 Best ways to take a selfie (OlympusMag)

Siim Jänes‎:GH4 and various lenses

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