a bit of everything…
Longing – Anamorphic Scenes from Jurek Ugarow on Vimeo.
Jurek (video on top): “Initially I wasn’t going to send you the link to this footage, as it started out simply as a test for finding a taking lens for use with the SLR Magic 2x Anamorphot. But in light of the recent GH5 spat and the constant harping on about pixels and features, bit-rates and bit depth, I realized as I filmed more footage, that in the end it’s about image quality and the ability to convey emotions. I was reminded again how blessed we are with the current state of audio and video technology, with tools that cover every possible budget and skill level. I know the GH5 will be a stellar camera for my purposes (and I hope to get one at release), but the venerable GH4 still has life left in it.
Filmed using a clean version of another venerable classic, the Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 lens. The SLR Magic Variable ND filter was also used outside.”
The Most Ultimate Mirror Lens Shootout …. in the World (Jim Chung).
Dutch 12-10mm PRO lens review at Pixelmania.nl
Panasonic 14-42 PZ compact zoom lens, the perfect all-rounder (Mgpx).
Buying Guide: Gear for All Your New Year’s Resolutions (Adorama Learning Center)
Plenty of news on the facebook E-M1II group and the GH5 group.