a bit of everything…
7 Mistakes Photographers Make
The Hows and Whys of Cinema versus Photography Lenses (Explora).
GH5 Owners Choose Teams Over Autofocus Issues (Fstoppers).
GX850 vs GX85 by MirrorlessComparisons.
How to Backup Photos While Traveling with an iPad and Raspberry Pi (Movingelectrons).
The Pro Ergonomik Camera: The Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II (PhotoDanielM).
Nissin Di700a for Olympus (Ugofoto.blogspot.it).
Plenty of news on the facebook E-M1II group and the GH5 group.
Thierry: “Workaround to get the metabones working on the GH5:
In brief: while powering on the GH5 press the button on the metabones. Once powered up press the button again (to unlock the f-stop). all good!
This is not my recording so credits go to the original poster.“