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a bit of everything…


Chris (video on top):I shot this video a few months ago on a trip to Morocco during a collaboration with Visionary Alvaro Sanz. It’s entirely shot on the E-M1 II + various PRO lenses. Hope it inspires some people to go out and just create something!”

Audio: Cheap Mic/Good Placement vs. Pro Mic/Bad Placement (DpreviewTV).
13 Creative Exercises for Photographers (Explora).

Share your best pictures on our new Instagram MicroFourThirdsGallery.

Plenty of news on the facebook E-M1II group and the GH5 group.

Peter:I have made a tutorial video series about Olympus. Just to let know because it might be something your readers will like. I also made a video about a catadioptric lens that I have. I tested it with a Olympus body.

Trevor: I was playing around with the M43 version of the Kamlan. Looks fine to me.

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