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a little bit of everything…

THE TIDE from Hugo Goudswaard on Vimeo (with GH3 and SLR magic 35mm)

Olympus OM-D E-M5 review at Photographyramblings.
Panasonic GH3 review by EosHD.
GF6 hands-on preview by Photographyblog.
Waiting for the better “M”? 3D-kraft.
Get one over on the Airlines! Buchangrant.
Olympus 75mm lens test by Steve Huff.

Rohith:I wanted to share with you a guide that I wrote about setting up an OM-D E-M5:
Carl:A journey through Japan by train shot with the GH2 + Voigtlander 25mm .95
Vincent:I’ve shot a highway car race on the GH3. Maybe it’s interesting for the GH3 lovers!

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