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After the GF2 also the GF3 could be hacked soon…

[shoplink 23109][/shoplink]I consider the hacking possibilities one of the strengths of the Micro Four Thirds system. A not so popular camera like the [shoplink 17361]Panasonic GF2[/shoplink] suddenly became an appealing camera because of the recently released hack (Click here). The hack adds identical GH2 features on the GF2 (except 24p)! Mix that with the current very low price of $375 for the camera with kit lens (Click here!) than we have an explosive little jewel. And it doesn’t stop here!

The hacker Vitaly Kiselev (Click here) reports that he got the GF3 and will start to work on the hack soon! At that point I want to say thanks again to Vitaly for what he is doing. And I hope Panasonic and Olympus understand the power of his work!

Shop search links to the three hackable Panasonic cameras:
Panasonic GH2 at [shopcountry 16254].
Panasonic GF3 at [shopcountry 23109].
Panasonic GF2 at [shopcountry 17361].

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