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Also the Panasonic GF2 will be hacked soon (support the hacker!)


Vitaly Kiselev is collecting the money to buy two Panasonic GF2 cameras. His goal is to hack the GF2 camera. You can support him via The GF2 hasn’t been a popular camera but with the recent massive rebates on that camera it became far more appealing. And if Vitaly will also give us a hack for it than this could be a damn good deal!

Panasonic lowered the price of the GF2 in all countries. Here some examples:
GF2 body only now for $314 at Amazon (Click here). With kit lens for $400 at Amazon (Click here).
GF2 w/14-42 in Canada for C$289.99 at
Red GF2 with 14-42mm lens for 298 Euro at [shoplink 27204 ebay]Digitalkamerprofi on eBay DE (Click here)[/shoplink].

P.S:: Our US readers can still enjoy Cyber Monday deals in most stores. Some deals will last the whole week: Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), BHphoto (Click here), Cameta (Click here) and J&R (Click here).

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