CameraLabs posted the Olympus E-M5 vs Panasonic GX1 RAW noise comparison. While doing the test CamerLabs discovered something interesting: “But when framing and later analysing images from both cameras, it became obvious the E-M5 was capturing a fractionally smaller field of view to the GX1, suggesting a fractionally smaller sensor (…) The actual difference in field of view is sufficiently small not to have any significant impact on quality or coverage, but it does reinforce Olympus’ claim that the E-M5 uses a new sensor. Or at least uses it in a different way to preceding models from Panasonic.”
From a pure photographic point of view that question ins’t important. It would just have been interesting to know why Olympus is making a hype around the sensor by simply not disclosing the manufatcorer. Anyway, speaking of good photographic articles. As suggested by our reader “Dummy” (Thanks!) you have to read this: “Show Me Photographs, Not Gear: How to Improve Photography Without Upgrading Gear” by Robin Wong.
E-M5 shop search links at [shopcountry 29074].
GX1 shop search links at [shopcountry 26836].