Taryn Simon at TED “Distortion is a Constant”


Talking about present and future photographic stuff is funny but if we want to talk about serious photography you absolutely have to see this video on TED: http://www.ted.com/talks/taryn_simon_photographs_secret_sites.html. She talks about her latest book “An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar“. The video is 17minutes long and there is not a single boring minute. I have to say it has been very very very inspiring! To be honest I wont talk to long here. See it for yourself!!!

(UPDATED) For rich people only post!

You can get your Leica S2 at amazon for $22,995.00. And if you want a better with 3 inch LCD Sapphire LCD Cover Glass and Platinum Service Package it costs you $27,995.00 only!

I will stick with my good old 12 Megapixel :)

UPDATE: If you want to spend more money get this: Hasselblad H3D-39II, Medium Format Digital SLR Camera with 39mp Sensor & 3

and you can find a funny user review on this item!

I purchased this camera in lieu of paying rent on my apartment for 4 years, and believe me when I say it was worth it. I used the box that it came in as a hat and some other boxes for a home. It’s uncomfortable but the pictures I’ve taken of my new home are so sharp that you can see the fleas on the brick I use for a pillow. I can also take high detail pictures of my children (who I am no longer able to see due to court order resulting from gross negligence) from an acceptable distance. Highly recommended!”  LOL ;)

(UPDATED) rebuilding the website from scratch

We discovered many little issues in our database. That’s why we are going to reinstall everything and add piece for piece our old content. We slept 3 hours only tonight :(

In some way we are all happy we have to do it. It will be a nice feeling to have a working fast website with fixed database and layout problems. Don’t get scared if you see strange things on this website!

Thanks again for your patience.

UPDATE: You know. This hosting transfer things never work as they should! ;) We have some problems with URL rewritingmodule (internal links to 43rumors do not work). We have to sleep 3-4 hours because frankly we are beginning to fall asleep in front of our computers. We will reinstall database and website at 16GMT (London time). We hope to fix the problem until Saturday morning (London time).