May 1: Untitled by deevee


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Title no title
Author Devee
Camera Canon G10
Text none

So here we are. This is the first photo we  have posted. The photographer made this with the Canon G10 but he told us he wants to get the LX3 or the Olympus micro four thirds camera ;)

People sent us a lot of photos which we will post in the next days- Join the “One Day One Photo” action!

One day one photo!


Dear readers,

As you all know the camera doesn’t really matter. If you are a good photographer you don’t need the latest digital camera. Prove our readers that even a small compact camera or an old analogue camera can take wonderful pictures! Through May we want to post one photo per day which was taken with a compact digital camera or analogue camera. No DSLR photos allowed! You can send the photo to, adding some description and we will choose one photo every day! Show the daily 4,500 43rumors readers what you can do!

The selection will be made by three 43rumors members!

Can’t wait to see your photos!

UPDATE: We will add a copyright text to protect your pictres. If you have any particoular wishes feel free to comunicate it. Thank you!

Why we love our Panasonic LX3!


The only weak point compared to the G10…DISTORTION! But the Canon is limited to only 28mm at the wide end!

Sometimes we google around and today we found this nice website ( They recently reviewed and compared the Canon G10 and Leica DLUX4 / Panasonic LX3 duo. The LX3’s only weakness seems to be the 24mm lens distortion (but the Canon only does 28mm!). In all other aspects the DLUX4/LX3 duo beats the Canon G10.

Read the full article here:

P.S.: And don’t forget to send us your best DLUX4-LX3 shots!!!

43rumors team message (UPDATED)

Dear readers,

today we are going to work on our website design. Probably you will experience some strange layout changes and may some displaying error. We hope to finish our job in 12-14 hours.

For people who is waiting for new rumors we can anticipate you that next week we will reveal the name of the new Olympus micro four thirds camera. We have an update for Panasonic and Leica users over their micro four thirds golas. We are gonna to publish this news quickly after the final website checkup.

UPDATE: We are ready to activate the new template. The two sidebars have some layout problems we have to fix in the next hours. if you want to help us try to report the errors ;)

Thank you!

Alejandro and Marwin