a bit of everything…

Olympus OM-D E-M1X | Lohnen sich 3.000 € für eine MFT-DSLM? [Deutsch]

Choosing a camera Part 3: the trade-offs of sensor size (Dpreview).
Ikan BMPCC 4K Camera Cage (Personal View).
Abelardo Morell Considers the World Through a Pinhole (Explora).
Panasonic’s new permanent gallery in Tokyo (DC.watch).
E-M1X alla prova (Ugo Baldassarre).
Fujifilm Camera Remote 4.0.1 Update Released and Why it is Still Disappointing Compared to Panasonic Camera Remote App (Fujirumors).

Share your best pictures on our new Instagram MicroFourThirdsGallery.

Plenty of news on the facebook E-M1II group, Panasonic FF and the GH5 group.

Big LOL moment: Canon ambassador creates hope around a new Canon mirrorless wildlife camera…but it’s the Olympus E-M1X :)

The past days the Canon rumors world got excited because Canon ambassador Andy Rouse was reporting about a new high-speed mirrorless camera he was testing in the field. Canon folks were finally happy to get a camera with high frame rate…but…we know are 99,999% sure he is testing the Olympus E-M1X as you can learn from this tweet:

Sorry Canon folks, it will take years for Canon to make a high speed camera with great video quality :)

Thanks CanonWatch for finding out the real story ;)

a bit of everything…

Bold and Beautiful Fashion Portraits with the Olympus OM-D E-M1X at WPPI 2019

Lumix G90 Announced Hail the Baby G9 (Naturalexposures).
Sharp 8K Micro Four Thirds Camera – Prototype First Look and Footage (Cinema5D).
How the LUMIX G9 camera helps me create better stories (Lumixstories).
NAB 2019: Manfrotto Updates Tripods, 600 Series Fluid Heads, Lykos Lights (Explora).
Aputure 300D II New LED COB Light (Personal View).

Share your best pictures on our new Instagram MicroFourThirdsGallery.

Plenty of news on the facebook E-M1II group, Panasonic FF and the GH5 group.