Olympus President Takeuchi says that the imaging business is “an important business that supports the optical technology of Olympus.

Last week Olympus 2019 financial results reported a big loss in the imaging business which has largely to do with the closure of the Chinese plant increased. There were costs associated to the transfer from China to Vietnam and Olympus also could not release new products because of that move.

Some news organization recently casted doubts about the possibility that Olympus will continue their imaging business. But at the Olympus financial report press conference President Takeuchi stated that the imaging business is “an important business that supports the optical technology of Olympus“.

Olympus officially said they plan a new bunch of products in 2019 to achieve break even for the fiscal year 2020:

Source: Nikkei

Panasonic interview at Dpreview: The Panasonic 10-25mm f/1.7 “is coming soon”

Dpreview had a chat with Panasonic engineers and here are some info:

Panasonic 10-25mm f/1.7:

We’re developing the 10-25mm F1.7 lens for Micro Four Thirds, that’s coming soon.

MFT verus S lenses:

Compared to MFT lenses the new S lenses have a newly-developed double focus system and an ultrasonic assist system

About the MFT and S system development:

of course we are developing both S-series and G-series at the same time. We have optimized our human resources internally so that we can develop both S series and G series to the highest standard.

About a possible video oriented S camera:

In the future, we’d like to consider the users’ needs: it’s open to users’ feedback.

MFT vs S when it comes to video:

Image stabilization and overheating will be less of an issue, compared to full-frame sensors.

Dpreview editors got the impression that “For now, at least, it seems that Panasonic sees the GH series as its main video/stills camera platform.”

Time to get the new GH6 folks :)

a bit of everything…

Battery Grip for BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K

NAB 2019: Why Do I Need 8K? (Explora).
Guia de uso Olympus E-m1X (Olympus Spain)
Godox S30 Feature Packed Led Fresnel Light (Personal View).

Seb, Fred and Will:

We have make a serie of short movie in 2 abrs in Paris shot with a gh4 with panasonic 12-35 F2.8 lens and voightlander 25mm f0.95.
We hope you will like the movies (sorry we don’t have english translation).

The teaser :

Ep1 :

Share your best pictures on our new Instagram MicroFourThirdsGallery.

Plenty of news on the facebook E-M1II group, Panasonic FF and the GH5 group.

Panasonic reports a +8% profit for the fiscal year 2019


Panasonic published their yearly financial report. There is no info at all about their camera business. Camera sales are hidden within the general (and very large) electronic appliances segment.

All we can learn is that as whole the company did well with +8 operating profit. But for the next fiscal year Panasonic expects a 1% reduction in revenue and 27% reduction in operating profit.


Weekly 43rumors readers pictures roundup…

Franco Novecento Buttiglieri
Sunset in Croatia
Lumix G80 + 12-60mm F2.8-4

1) To submit your picture for the weekly readers roundup post you can choose one of the following two options:
Instagram: Follow @microfourthirdsgallery and tag us on your picture to give us the permission to repost your image on the instagram gallery and on 43rumors (we will credit you)
Facebook: Submit your picture on our group: facebook.com/groups/microft. Please add the hashtag “#microfourthirdsgallery ” to grant the permission for reposting on 43rumors. Without the hashtag we will not add your picture!

2) Like and comment the pictures from other readers here: instagram.com/microfourthirdsgallery and facebook.com/groups/microft
3) A selection of most liked pictures by the community and by me 43rumors admin will be posted weekly on 43rumors.

Note: When sending a pic feel free to also add a link to your site to promote yourself! And please do share one single picture per week only. Do not spam :)

This is the weekly selection:

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