Tokina (Click here) published more info about the upcoming new 300mm f/6.3 lens. One of my japanese readers translated the text (Thanks!):
The good: Still looks good and under 300grams.
The bad: Still a month away.
The ugly: 40000YEN (370 Euro/$490)!!!! WTF. I have a [shoplink 30536 ebay]500mm T-Mount from Bower[/shoplink] for 120usd.
Yep, it looks good and it performs good but if you don’t care about using big lenses and adapters you have plenty of other options: [shoplink 30536 ebay]Bower mirror (Click here to see on eBay)[/shoplink], [shoplink 30537 ebay]Minolta mirror (here on eBay)[/shoplink], [shoplink 30538 ebay]Centon Mirror (here on eBay)[/shoplink], [shoplink 30541 ebay]Spiratone Mirror (here on eBay)[/shoplink], [shoplink 30542 ebay]Opteka Mirror (here on eBay)[/shoplink]….
Below you can see the MTF chart of the Tokina