E-PL3 price official: £549.99 in UK. E-P3 grips and caps coming in August!

The E-PL3 will be in the shops from late summer in black, white, silver or red with 14-42mm II R zoom lens; pricing £549.99 for the standard kit. (Source: Photographyblog). There is no store accepting preorders yet. And only B&H (Click here) is showing them in their database (without price info). Olympus Japan also announce that a list of new E-P3 grips and caps will be available in August (See them at DC.watch).

From the new Olympus products only the 12mm is in Stock in non asian countries. At Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and B&H (Click here). The E-P3 is now out of Stock but could be in Stock at any time again at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and B&H (Click here)!

Look at what (M-)43 cameras can do. Nice work done by Amos Chapple

Take a look at what Amos Chapple was able to do by using Four Thirds and Micro Four Thirds cameras. In 2009 he won the Cathay Pacific Travel Photographer of the Year Award.
You can read an interview with Amos Chapple at http://blog.karimsahai.com/2011/03/the-photography-of-amos-chapple/. More pictures at http://www.amoschapple.com/.

As you can see wonderful work can be done with Micro Four Third cameras. Just a reminder: There are also two wonderful m43 stories at Craifmod:
1) The GF1 is a near perfect travel camera
2) Seeing prime: The Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 Lumix lens.

If you find nice professional works done with m43 and 43 cameras drop me a text at 43rumors@gmail.com! I will be very happy to post it here!

a little bit of everything…

Olympus PEN E-P3 Low Light Amazing AF speed II

Panasonic GH2 with Olympus 12mm test at DvxUser (to see the vimeo video insert the password you see below it).

Olympus converter tests on the XZ-1 at DC.watch.

See the pink GF3 at DC.Fever.

Olympus PEN EP-3: Micro Four-Thirds Is Starting to Get Good. Real Good. (Gizmodo).

G3 and GF1 high ISO comparison (Dpreview forum).

Dress up grips and matching lens caps are available for the E-P3 in 6 different colours (Parkcameras).

New PTool v3.61d with GH2 hack released!

[shoplink 16254][/shoplink]

Vitaly Kiselev just released the new updated PTool v3.61d at Personal-View.com (Click here). It brings the following new features:
– Wastly improved Video Bitrate patches.
– Many new encoder related patches for testers added.
– Few minor software bug fixes.


P.S.: Panaosnic GH2 search links to [shopcountry 16254].

A “different” Micro Four Thirds concept camera…

Shift is a hybrid digital camera system for the ambitious filmmaker. Based on the Micro Four Thirds standard, it combines superior image quality with an intuitive operating concept. Individualized control functions and film effects can be integrated into the host and are triggered live. A sophisticated housing provides a swiveling touch screen and an ergonomic handle extension. For unusual perspectives, the control unit can be removed, and the camera operated wirelessly. (Source: YankoDesign)

Also some of our readers treid to “imagine” the future Panasonic GF and Olympus PRO cameras:
http://i.imgur.com/1WEib.jpg (Made by Ben Y).
http://www.flickr.com/photos/marcram/5891599403/in/photostream (Made by Marcram).

Feel free to send me your “imagination”! Will post it here on 43rumors!