Sometimes we receive rumors about other brands. We received some about Samsung which we are going to post here. According to our sources a new Samsung NX camera could be announced soon. Very likely it will be a compact NX camera. One possible leak has been spotted on They list the NX-5 on their homepage and the NX-5 +18-55mm costs 135$ less than the NX-10+18-55mm combo.
What’s more interesting for us as MicroFourThirds users is that today we found two new Samsung vs MFT comparisons:
1) The HongKong website made a GF1 vs E-P2 vs NX10 comparison.
2) And there is one more comparison on the very known german magazine der Spiegel: Samsung NX10 vs. Olympus EPL1 (deutsch / google english translation)
P.S.: Today the Samsung NX10 is in Stock at Adorama and BHphoto. So it is official…we are not alone on the earth :)