(FT3-FT4) Leica will not immediately join the micro four thirds world

According to two very close Leica sources, and contrary to our previous
report. In fact they have told us Leica is now focusing on realized
technology and existing product range (which includes the S-Series).
They are very interested to see how the market will accept Micro
Four Thirds products but they haven’t YET choosen to join the
venture. So it seems Panasonic will NOT develop the first compact
micro four thirds camera together with Leica.

What remains true is that Leica and Panasonic will develop the
LX5-DLUX5 together, but we are probably still more than one year away
from an official release.

43rumors opinion: Yes this rumors comes from known and trusted sources
but Leica could as always come with some surprises. They surprised the
world with their S-Series which came really unexpected. We have to put
some kind of James Bond secret microphone inside the Leica LAB :(

(FT 4) Final m4/3 camera from Olympus will have a different look then the mockup

We are sure everyone has in his mind this photo, the secret Olympus camera covered with a blue cloth. We already made the prediction that the final REAL camera will look different than the orange mockup. Now we have the first REAL confirmation give by a Japanese photographer. According to Kimio Tanaka, photographer and camera technology writer, the camera wore blue velvet was a real prototype very nearly finished! He said he couldn’t believe that story at first. But it was true.

Link to his homepage:


english translation

Thanks to N.M. for sending us the link!

UPDATE: It is rumored to be silver.

UPDATE 2: Our main sources told us that under the cloth they have the final version of the micro four thirds camera!

FINALLY, do you like the new design?

There are small things we will fix during the day. It is is still a prerelease so write us if you have better ideas.

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Pentax K-7 specs…

Now it seems the specs are semi official. From Rice blogs

Camera Name: Pentax K-7 (It Is “K Hyphen Seven” – *No* “D” Letter and *With* the Hyphen)
Size: Width Slightly Less than K20D, but Slightly Taller for the Body’s Head; Slimmer Body Design – Overall Volume Comparable to the K200D, but Still Slightly Larger
Sensor Format: APS-C, Aspect Ratio: 3:2
Mount: Pentax KAF-3 (Crippled K-mount, Support Both Body Driven “Screw-Type” AF and SDM)
Viewfinder Coverage and Magnification: >95% and/or >0.95X ( by my Best Measurement and Estimation – It could be 100% *and* 1.0X ! Actually, I’ve measured that result but just can’t believe it myself !! )
RTF: Yes, Manual Pop-up
Live View: Yes, Activated by One-touch Dedicated “LV” button at the Thumb Position
Movie/Video Recording: Movie/Video with Mono-Audio Recording
Monochrome status LCD: Yes
Rear Colour LCD: 3.0″
e-Wheels Control: Front and Rear Wheels
Green Button: Yes, Directly Under the Rear Wheel
Exposure Modes: Green Mode, P, Sv, Tv, Av, TAv, M, B, X, User and Movie
Focusing Modes: AF-S, AF-C, MF
Dedicated AF Button: Yes
Dedicated AF Point Selector: Yes: Central, Auto and User Select
Built-in AF Assist Light: Yes, Bright Type (Not Near IR)
Dedicated Metering Mode Selector: Yes: Evaluative, Centre-Weighted Average, Spot
Controls Around Shutter Release: Optical/Digital Preview; Separate Buttons for ISO and +/-EV Compensation; Top LCD Panel Backlight/Illumination
Other Direct Controls: With the Four Ways / “OK” Buttons: WB, Flash, Drive and Colour Mode / AF Point Selection Activation
Standard Controls: Play/Delete (at Upper Left), INFO/MENU (at Lower Right)
RAW Button: Yes
“Fn” (Function) Button: No (Not Needed with New Direct Controls Design)
Shake Reduction Switch: No (to be Enabled and Disabled via System Menu)
PC Sync Socket: Yes
IR Remote Control: Yes, Front and Rear Receivers
Accessory: Vertical Battery Grip D-BG4