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DEAL: Panasonic 20mm lens for$328.95 (340€ in Europe). E-P2 with lens and EVF for $779.

The Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 has been announced exactly one year ago. Now US stores are selling the lens with the lowest price I have ever seen…$328 only! Click on these shop links to get the lens: Adorama, Amazon (sold by Adorama) and BHphoto.

As usual we europeans are not as lucky as you americans. $328.95 is 237€, but sadly we have still to pay 340-350 Euro for the lens :(
Look at Pixmania (DE, BE, FR, AT, UK, NL, PL, ES and IT) or [shoplink 16752]eBay[/shoplink].

The hottest deals since a few days are the Olympus E-P2 with 14-42mm and EVF for $799 at Amazon (Click here) and the Panasonic GF1 kit for $670 at Amazon (Click here)

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