DigitalCameraWorld: We found only one camera brand is a safe choice for wet-weather photography
In a recent article, Digital Camera World highlights that among major camera manufacturers, only OM System provides measurable weather-sealing ratings for its cameras, specifically the OM-1 Mark II and OM-5 models. These cameras are certified with an IP53 rating, ensuring protection against dust and water spray from certain angles, making them reliable choices for wet-weather photography. In contrast, other leading brands like Canon, Nikon, and Sony mention weather resistance in their flagship models but do not provide specific ingress protection (IP) ratings, leaving the extent of their weather sealing unspecified.
I’m really surprised that no other company is doing what OM Digital is doing. I don’t know if the big players see this as a “useless” feature or if customers just don’t need it. What are your thoughts on this?