First SLR magic 12mm lens on eBay.

The very first SLR magic 12mm f/1.6 lens is on auction on [shoplink 28264 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. This is quite a good lens (I tested one) but I still do’t know where you can buy it online. The lens is 2/3 of stops faster than the Olympsu 12mm lens. The SLR magic has a smooth aperture ring that will appeal filmmakers. The Olympus lens has AF an a better image quality. And, at leats in USA it’s getting soem interesting price drops at Amazon (Click here).
P.S.: The new SLR Magic 12-36×50 ED Spotting Scope for mFT is also available [shoplink 27827 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].