First Viltrox EF-M2 Electronic Adapter review by Jim Chung: Same Metabones performance for half the price
Few weeks ago Sharpest Light Limited announced the new Viltrox EF-M2 Electronic Adapter which is on sale on [shoplink 70099 ebay]eBay[/shoplink], Amazon US, Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR and Amazon IT.
Jim Chung tested this new adapter
The MTF curves do appear to demonstrate that the Viltrox has the sharpest centers with a rapid falloff halfway across the frame but the undeniable take home message is that it is as good as the Metabones. For a whole lot less. In fact, the current eBay listing shows a price change already to $200 USD so demand appears to be healthy. I heartily recommend that this little trinket find its way to your favourite m43 user’s stocking.
And here is a Viltrox EF M2 vs Metabones Ultra 0.71x (with Sigma 18-35, Canon 50mm 1.4):