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(FT 2) Olympus E-5


The picture has been sent to us 3 weeks ago. The anonymus sender believes this could be a REAL! Olympus E-5 picture. To bad it is to small to judge if this could be true.

Some funny joking 43rumors visitor was claiming this will be the E-5 specs! So, take it easy, relax, this is probaly a fake rumor ok?

The Olympus E-5 will be the first camera to breake the 12Megapixel barrier!

-15 Megapixel on a slightly larger sensor (similar to the GH1 sensor which is bigger then the G1)

-3.0 AMOLED display (this would be a BIG surprise). Panasonic has the tecnology to build AMOLED screens. They have the advantage to be bright and clearly visible even in outdoor shootings.

– NO Video recording

-Usual stuff like Body IS, Art Filter,….

P.S: The only 100% real rumor is that the camera will be released in 2009 ;)

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