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(FT3) Next Olympus MFT specs? Via Zone-10


Zone-10 tells you a little more about the next Olympus MFT:

1. Model name may not necessarily be the E-P2. The “Pen Footprint” may be for a specific model, but the m43 standard is for a sensor-chamber and lens-mount design and does not dictate the shape of the rest of the camera. Expect this camera to have increased thickness and height as compared to the due to the built-in EVF and not quite so rectangular-shaped. A little more “muscular” looking with some characteristics not making it as cute as the E-P1.

2. This camera will have an articulating LCD monitor similar to that found on the E-620, but with higher resolution.

3. There will be a built-in EVF with diopter adjustment on the viewfinder optics. Resolution of this EVF is not known at this time, but may be SVGA in resolution.

4. In step with the constant evolution of processors, this camera will be equipped with the TruePic V+ processing engine that is similar to the TruePic V, but with support for additional video aspects and additional Creative Art filters.

5. Battery is shared with the E-P1 and it is likely going to have a CF card slot in addition to SD. This spec may change, but the target audience for this camera is still heavily invested in CF.

6. Expect a new lens, possibly a “Wide-Standard” prime lens to be introduced with this model with better specifications. Wide-Standards are typically those within the 35-42mm (FF35mm Equivalent) range. As the camera itself is larger than the E-P1, the lens may also be a little larger too, which will result in better optics.

7. Auto-focus is improved with faster performance and better low-light capability.

8. I.S. will have improvements as well as a new feature not previously seen in Olympus bodies.

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