It reminds a bit of mystery for me if it makes sense to release such a camera. Olympus seems to follow the PEN route by releasing many slightly different versions of the same model. So what is the new E-M5 successor going to be? It cannot be better than the [shoplink 41667 ebay]E-M1[/shoplink] (otherwise it would kill the E-M1 sales). It cannot be just a minimal E-M5 upgrade (we already have an [shoplink 47360 ebay]E-M10[/shoplink] for that). What should it be? In my opinion two OMD models are just enough. But I am a nobody, and maybe Olympus knows it better…
Store links to all current OMD cameras:
E-M1 at [shopcountry 41667].
E-M5 at [shopcountry 29074].
E-M10 at [shopcountry 47360].
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FT5=81-99% chance the rumor is correct