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(FT5) Next small piece of the real Olympus camera!


The super nice anonymous source that already sent me the first image of the OM-D camera controls now also sent me that small piece of the camera. On the right angle on top you see the built-in viewfinder and on the bottom the lens mount. Then we have that [shoplink 23568]Olympus E-P3[/shoplink] grip (don’t know if you can remove it like you can do on the E-P3). Would like to see the other control panel on the right of the camera and of course the back. If the source can send me some details about that we would all be happy :)  Another source told us “The mode dial is on the other side. imagine the [shoplink 28231 ebay]OM4-TI (here on eBay)[/shoplink] – almost there in looks.

There are still two MAIN questions where I don’t have a final answer:
1) What’s the definitive name of the camera?
2) Who made the sensor?

Again thanks to all sources for your help!

Reminder: The camera will be announced on February 8th and as usual you should be here on 43rumors to follow all the announcement!

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