I am finally 100% sure that Olympus will announce not two but three new PEN cameras! They will all use the same new (Olympus redesigned?) Panasonic sensor (more about the sensor in future posts). And here is a short description of each camera:
1) E-PM1
“M” stays for “Mini”. It is smaller than the [shoplink 17361 ebay]Panasonic GF2 (Click here to see it)[/shoplink] and a bit bigger than the new [shoplink 23109]Panasonic GF3[/shoplink]. The good news is that the mini still maintains the built-in stabilization!
2) E-PL3
It is just a bit wider and thicker than the E-PM1. It’s thicker because for the very first time there is a tilt LCD screen! But it has no built in flash unlike the “older” [shoplink 18844 ebay]Olympus E-PL2[/shoplink].
3) E-P3
Has no tilt LCD but gains a built in flash. The advantage over the E-PL3 are the manual controls and body quality. It has almost the same body design as the current [shoplink 14830 ebay]Olympus E-P2[/shoplink]. No built in viewfinder a là [shoplink 22904 ebay]Olympus XA (Click here to see it on eBay)[/shoplink].
After a first look on those models I can see three problems with the new PEN cameras:
1) E-PM1 is not noticeable smaller than the E-PL3
2) E-P3 is more expensive than the E-PL3 and has no tilt LCD (why?)
3) E-PL3 lost some of the manual controls of the “older” E-PL2 and has no built-in flash.
I am curious to hear your opinion on that!!!
Stay tuned! I am getting tons of rumors now and I will post more soon! And don’t forget to preorder the new amazing Leica 25mm f/1.4 lens at Adorama (Click here).
Reminder -> Rumors classification explained (FT= FourThirds):
FT1=1-20% chance the rumor is correct
FT2=21-40% chance the rumor is correct
FT3=41-60% chance the rumor is correct
FT4=61-80% chance the rumor is correct
FT5=81-99% chance the rumor is correct