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(FT5) Panasonic GF2 to be announced this week!

What a surprise! Panasonic had the great idea to launch a new camera after Photokina to get all the attention from the media! We heard from our sources that the new [shoplink 14828]Panasonic GF1[/shoplink] successor (the GF2) will be announced…. THIS WEEK!!! If you want proof that the GF2 really exists, take a look at the screenshot above. Panasonic registered the new camera at the Korean radio research agency. What will the GF2 look like? We have no picture yet but two of our sources have already seen the camera. The GF2 is incredibly tiny! De facto it will become the smallest mirrorless camera ever (bye bye [shoplink 17230]Sony NEX[/shoplink]!). And it will use the same [shoplink 14834]Panasonic G2[/shoplink] 12 Megapixel sensor

Stay tuned!

P.S: One source said it’s an incredibly sexy looking camera ;)

P.P.S.: Panasonic really did everything to keep that announcement secret. Only a very few people knew about that announcement!

P.P.P.S: A few days ago we told you that the camera will be available by early 2011. It looks like the announcement will be made this week but the camera will be available by early 2011.

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FT1=1-20% chance the rumor is correct
FT2=21-40% chance the rumor is correct
FT3=41-60% chance the rumor is correct
FT4=61-80% chance the rumor is correct
FT5=81-99% chance the rumor is correct

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