I received an email from an anonymous sender. He had a small talk with a Fuji employee and the Fuji man denied that they will release a m43 camera soon.
I haven’t classified this as rumor. Fuji employee will never tell you when and if a new camera is coming!
I post you the email text:
“I was just at the Henry’s photographic show in Toronto today and was speaking with one of the employees at the Fuji booth. I asked him about Fuji making a m43 camera and he said that they are part of the consortium (which we already know), but he said that there is no product ready or even near ready at this time. Does not sound like Fuji will have anything soon for m43; assuming his info. is correct.
I also spoke with someone at the Sony booth and they said that a major announcement to the product line will be made in 3 months. They would not confirm or deny if it would be a mirrorless, interchangable lens camera.”
Thanks anonymous sender!
UPDATE: Our trusted sources still do confirm Fuji will join MicroFourThirds (probably with the release of a new camera by early 2010).