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GH3 already shipping in UK and Germany!

The in Stock status info at Wex Germany

43rumors reader Toby just sent me that good news: “I just received my GH3 body that I pre-ordered from Wexphotographic UK. Seems stock is now getting shipped! Just thought you might like to know. its still showing as pre-order on their site but I have mine!  Still waiting on the battery grip-they said yesterday that we can expect that in 2-3 weeks. Thanks, keep up the good work.

And here is the netx good news. The GH3 with 12-35mm X lens is now marked as in Stock at Wex Germany (Click here)!

That’s a good news becuase it means that Panasonic kept the promise to start shipping the camera by end of November! Great!

Check price and delivery dates at Amazon , Adorama, BhphotoPanasonic USSamys and in Europe at Wexphotographic UK and Technikdirekt.


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