Metz offers new Firmware Updates for flash units and supports macOS as of now.
Metz offers new Firmware Updates for flash units and supports macOS as of now:
Zirndorf: As of now, there are new firmware-updates available for the flash units mecablitz M400, 52 AF-1 digital and 26 AF-2. Moreover, the device firmware of me- cablitz M400 and mecablitz 64 AF-1 digital can now also be updated via Apple computer system (macOS).
Mecablitz M400 Olympus/Panasonic (here on Amazon)
With version 1.2, the firmware was also extended for the mecablitz M400 Olym- pus/Panasonic. In doing so, the remote function with Olympus OM-D E-M5 II and the exposure control at swivelled reflector were improved.Mecablitz 52 AF-1 digital Olympus/Panasonic (here on Amazon)
With the new firmware of these flash units, several improvements concerning re- mote flash mode and exposure control have been implemented.
The new Metz firmware versions can be downloaded as of now free of charge at the Metz mecatech website. The firmware can be transferred by the operator itself to the appropriate flash unit via an integrated USB interface.Mecablitz Firmware-Update with macOS
With an update program for macOs, the firmware updates of the mecablitz M400 and the mecablitz 64 AF-1 digital are now also possible with the Apple computer system. Via the download area of the Metz mecatech website, this update program (mecablitz.dmg: Link) can be downloaded.