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Mirrorless rumors from others (Samsung NX lens roadmap leaked)


This is a list of rumors that don’t have anything to do with Panasonic and Olympus. But every once in a while I post a summary of mirrorless news because almost every Micro Four Thirds user is interested to see how the competition is developing their own mirrorless system.

My friend Andrea ( made an incredible leak! He found the whole Samsung NX lens road-map for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013! I would love to see some of those lenses for Micro Four Thirds too and you?

Nex-7 will be announced by early 2011 (SonyAlphaRumors)

Not a rumor but Luminous Landscape posted an interesting article about the “Mirrorless, Video Convergence”.

P:S.: There is no new rumor about Canon or Nikon mirrorless systems…

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