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New C-mount wide angle test by Seb Farges


It’s always interesting to see how C-mount lenses do work on the Panasonic GH2 with 1:1 crop mode. Seb Farges tested three lenses:
This is a movie shot with three lenses, from 6mm to 3.5mm, which is 15mm to 9mm for micro 4/3 sensor (24X36 : 31mm to 18mm). 1st part with the 6mm (more info:​20766631), some shot with polaroid variable ND filter. Second part, same lens but with a Pixco 0.45X lens converter, found for 16€ on ebay, it’s 40.5mm screw mount filter size lens is perfect for the Pentax. The third part is shot with a new lens I’ve found on Ebay for 46€, a C-mount Rainbow 3.5mm 1.6, perfect for the crop function ! It’s very wide, little fish eye effect, but I have a little focus problem with my copy, so I have to closed the aperture, but not too much because it seems I have problem of intern dirts, that can be viewed in more closed apertures.
I like this [shoplink 21738 ebay]3.5mm Rainbow C-mount[/shoplink] lens, it’s fun and very wide. I hope you’ll enjoy the shots.

C-mount Pentax 6mm 1.2 on [shoplink 21691 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].
C-mount Rainbow 3.5mm 1.6 on [shoplink 21737 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].
Pixco wide angle lens converter 0.45X on [shoplink 21738 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].

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