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(UPDATED with dpreview samples) New E-M5 roundup.


BHphoto (Click here) just changed the availability date for the OM-5. It has been postponed to April 16th.

DPreview, Robin Wong and the E-M5 image quality:
Dpreview (Click here) just posted a low light high ISO samples. Robin Wong (Click here) posted his second part of the E-M5 review with a focus o the High ISO quality: “At ISO3200, the image actually looked very clean, and even up to ISO6400, the output is still acceptably good, on par, or possibly better than E-P3 at ISO1600. Hence, Olympus’ initial claims as they announced the E-M5 that it has at least two stops of EV advantage over E-P3 were not a joke at all.
Robin is very positively impressed by the image quality but I hope to see soon more detailed studio tests done by Dpreview or DxOmark. The ISO tests made by Focus Numerique (Click here) showed us that the E-M5 and [shoplink 26836]GX1[/shoplink] differences in RAW are minimal. It’s the usual very good Olympus JPEG engine that makes the difference.
Ops now I am talking like a pixel peepers…back to real photography! I really don’t pay too much attention about small resolution, noise and dynamic range differences. What matters first is the usability of the camera. As some readers reported yesterday high image quality makes no sense if the autofocus on the camera won’t work appropriately (I am talking about you Fuji X PRO 1!). And in the real world the five AXIS IS from Olympus will probably help you to get real sharp images in situation were other cameras may blur away the resolution due the camera shaking. I write all this to remind you that no camera is perfect. What matters is which camera works really best for your real photographic use. That’s why I use the [shoplink 16254]GH2[/shoplink] for some of my video work, the [shoplink 28308 ebay]E-P1[/shoplink] as my “always wtih me” camera and the [shoplink 28309 ebay]Mamiya 7[/shoplink] for astonishing quality pictures which even overshadows the new 36 MPX Nikon D800 ;)

More E-M5 bits:
Olympus OM-D E-M5 Quick Hands-on in the Philippines at Ferdzdecena (Click here).
Review of the Olympus OM-D EM-5 For Street Photography on Youtube (Click here).
Preview at TheTecnoLast (Click here).
Dynamic Range OM-D vs Nex 5N vs Oly e-p3 vs Pana G3 at Dpreview forum (Click here).

E-M5 preorder:
Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, J&R, Jessops, Redcoon Deutschland, Amazon UK, Amazon Deutschland and Amazon Japan. The E-M5 in all his versions is present in the Amazon top ranking list.

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